Saturday, October 1, 2011

BP2 iGoogle PLE

Well, I don't think that I can hide the fact that I am not a blogger. This is all new to me.  I like the idea of writing down my thoughts and sharing them, I'm not sure I like sharing with the whole world! I do however like doing new things and having new experiences and I love technology. So the idea of a digital diary is very appealing.
I have just set up my iGoogle PLE and it is a wonderful tool. It's great having all my favorite and essential sites listed in one place where I can access them in as little as two clicks. 

Along the way I encountered a major problem (at least it feels like a major problem). I have two gmail accounts! My iGoogle stuff is on one Gmail account and my Blog is on a different one! Does anyone know how I can combine my two accounts into one? If you can help out an island girl I would really appreciate it.

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