Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WK4 Blog Comment Response #2 to Faith Olarsch

MAC week 4 blog 1 reading: The Art of Possibility byBenjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander

Used with permission from:
What if wewere the circuit board of our life?

Perhaps this book is all about being Zen.  I particularly like the portion of Zen that explores the lack of people living in a bottle.  I find that at times I am guilty of the desire to be unaffected by the outside world.  I like isolation, which is witnessed by the National Forest surroundings of my home.  I find that too many people clutter my thoughts too easily.  Yet despite this isolation we affect each other, and we are part responsible no matter which direction the outcome.  I would like to be more efficient in the game of chess, but the concept of being the board seems harder for me to grasp.  I understand that actions and reactions occur, and most of the time I do not assign blame.  There are times though, when feeling low, that I am bound by insufficient thought and overwhelmed with negativity. When those times occur action is required to re-establish a positive mode of thinking and being. 


  1. Wonderful personal reflection... in the literal sense... I see that spirit of stillness in your reflection. Thanks for sharing it.
  2. Faith, I understand why being the board is hard to grasp. Sometimes we don't realize that we have the power to take control of our situations and change them for the better. We have to realize the reality of our situations then control them in a way that the outcome is one that we want. If we don't believe that we can control our 'board' we usually won't even try. I like the example that Ben and Roz used in the book about the the rained out Florida vacation. The rain is a reality, you can't change it. You can stay and complain about the rain, you can go inside and enjoy some great movies, or you can catch the next plane to a sunny place. It's all up to you, you control the 'board'.

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