Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WK4 Blog Comment Response #2 to Faith Olarsch

MAC week 4 blog 1 reading: The Art of Possibility byBenjamin Zander and Rosamund Stone Zander

Used with permission from:
What if wewere the circuit board of our life?

Perhaps this book is all about being Zen.  I particularly like the portion of Zen that explores the lack of people living in a bottle.  I find that at times I am guilty of the desire to be unaffected by the outside world.  I like isolation, which is witnessed by the National Forest surroundings of my home.  I find that too many people clutter my thoughts too easily.  Yet despite this isolation we affect each other, and we are part responsible no matter which direction the outcome.  I would like to be more efficient in the game of chess, but the concept of being the board seems harder for me to grasp.  I understand that actions and reactions occur, and most of the time I do not assign blame.  There are times though, when feeling low, that I am bound by insufficient thought and overwhelmed with negativity. When those times occur action is required to re-establish a positive mode of thinking and being. 


  1. Wonderful personal reflection... in the literal sense... I see that spirit of stillness in your reflection. Thanks for sharing it.
  2. Faith, I understand why being the board is hard to grasp. Sometimes we don't realize that we have the power to take control of our situations and change them for the better. We have to realize the reality of our situations then control them in a way that the outcome is one that we want. If we don't believe that we can control our 'board' we usually won't even try. I like the example that Ben and Roz used in the book about the the rained out Florida vacation. The rain is a reality, you can't change it. You can stay and complain about the rain, you can go inside and enjoy some great movies, or you can catch the next plane to a sunny place. It's all up to you, you control the 'board'.

WK4 Blog Comment Response #1 to Golda Lawson

wk4 reading: Art of Possibility – The WE Story
Telling the WE story has me reflecting on my marriage. We have been together for 15+ years. Part of our success is the ability to communicate. We talk about everything including small talk. Topics will vary and sometimes we will argue. Even though we may argue about things, we tend to in the end come up with the possibility of agreeing to disagree. It is because of this philosophy, we find that we cannot stay angry at one another. Agreeing to disagree allows for mutual respect. It is this mutual respect that gives us our inner strength within our relationship. Another thing that made us stronger is that we were friends first and later to become best friends. Best friends do everything together and support one another in their endeavors. I truly believe that I would not have reached my goal of obtaining a second Masters degree if we did not go through it together. It was the support network that we had that enabled me to achieve this goal. Now we will go through the process of working toward me gaining employment once my goal of this degree is obtained.
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  • Cheryl Jones-Gage
    May 24, 2012 @ 02:49:11
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    Golda, congratulations on your many years of marriage. The WE story does make you reflect on relationships both personal and professional. When we look at how life issues affect not just ourselves, but others, and we set out to purposely seek ways to look for the best solution for everyone involved, we can create a world were we can grow together and work to solving our mutual problems once we realize that we are all in it together.

WK4 Leadership Blog Post: Leadership Role Model Reflection

When I think about great leaders I think about people who were able to do what was right even though they knew they would face ridicule and even persecution or death because of it. I think of people who were born into impoverished violent drug infested communities and were able to find a way out and returned to help others out as well. I think of men like the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. I also think of people like Dr. Ben Carson and Oprah Winfrey. I think a great leader is someone who can see beyond their current situation into a world of what can be and change their future and the future of those around them for the better. 
I also think that people matter and that we have to care about others. So to me, a great leader leads by example, considers all involved, and has the courage to do what is right even if it means moving in a direction that’s against the current flow. 

WK4 Reading: The Art of Possibility: Chapters 9-12

Ben and Roz Zander did a great job in chapters 9 – 12 of The Art of Possibility. These chapters have brought into focus the overarching theme of the book and helped me to realize that if I become the board, then I have control over my circumstances and how I choose to react to the people and situations around me.
As stated by Ben and Roz, this book was not intended to answer all of life’s questions or solve all of our problems, but it has certainly helped us to envision what is possible if we can simply accept what is, and find ways to invent what we need it to be.
Looking back over the entire book, the stories and musical influences that were shared will be treasured and shared with my students and those I come in contact with. I will remember to share the gift of ‘Giving an A’, ‘Leading from Any Chair’ and applying ‘Rule Number 6’ to my life.

Friday, May 18, 2012

WK 3 Leadership Post

My presentation is based on my Action Research Capstone project which is focused on motivating students through online learning with the help of computers, iPads, cell phones and social media sites to complete assignments/lessons. It includes research that shows that when motivation and brain-based learning are combined within an online learning environment, creativity grows through collaboration and learning is enhanced. During implementation, computers were placed in the classroom and students could choose paper forms or technology tools like cell phones or computers to go online and complete their assignments. The results of this Action Research project showed that 100 % of students chose to use technology tools and were motivated to complete their lessons and enjoyed using computers or cell phones while doing so. I would like to present my project at Virginia Society for Technology in Education because I live in Virginia and I would benefit from collaboration with other technology educators in Virginia.
Here is a link to my blog stating why I would like to present at this conference.

Wk 2: Where do I want to share my project

I would also like to share my presentation at the Online Teaching Conference 2012 because my research project is focused on motivating students through online learning. This conference would be a great place to share my knowledge and experience.
Here is link to the conference the my blog about why I would like to present at this conference.

Having the option to publish or present gave me the opportunity to think about both of these possibilities and choose the one best fitted for me! 

WK1 Blog Entry: Publish or Present, Please Choose!

This is the link to my presentation "Motivating Students Through Online Learning and Technology Tools"

WK 3 Comment #2 to Bill Harris

Week 3 Reading - Tearing Down Walls

In Zanders’ Seventh Chapter of The Art of Possibility both Ben and Roz takes the
reader on a “journey of possibility” by given examples and experiences that shows
 us how we take negative experiences and turn them into “walls” of challenges 
instead of paths toward our journey of possibility. The antidotal quotes and stories 
they use seem common sense, many of which we know. They have a 
way of helping you understand why it is “OK” to view the world from the
“glass half-full” view instead of the opposite of half-empty. The focus of view 
that we should take should be on what is positive about the circumstance. 
In that ay we can focus on what moves us forward and not what holds us back.

I made an emotional connection as well as had an “Ah ha!” moment when reading the 
chapters of this assignment at two points. The first point; I teach teachers technology 
integration and continually hear from some teachers, “I can’t do this stuff”, “I’ll never 
understand this technology”, where am I going to get the time to practice”, or my favorite, 
“I haven’t needed technology in all these years, why do I need it now?” For most of these
 teachers their focus was on the “wall” or the technology. Many could not see the possibility
 in advancing themselves or their students through its use. Zanders’ explanation helps me
 to understand my role as an educational leader to reach them. Teachers often fear 
technology because they are afraid to make a mistake or “break” the computer. Zander
 says it is difficult to maintain an approach to things positively, “…in our competitive culture
 where so much attention is given to mistakes and criticism that the voice of the soul is 
literally interrupted.” This is where my leadership skills come in to make them feel secure 
both in training and when they return to the classroom.

The second point of encounter came from Roz Zander’s discussion of “The Wall”. 
In that section she talks about the “the wall” between a 16 year old boy and his parents. 
She addressed how the more the father talked about the wall that the boy put up the more 
the boy withdrew in the conversation. The only question I had when reading this section 
was how did Roz Zander get in my house without me seeing her? I had a mirror reaction
 to my now 25-year-old son when he was 15-16 years old with the same situation and
 circumstance. The conversations always centered on the wall and not what caused the 
wall or better still what would it take to fix it or tear it down. Discussions were usually
 “downward spirals” that inevitably led to a higher
 and thicker wall or as she puts it, “tend to look more and more helpless.” The 
long story cut short, leads to our finally remembering how much we loved each 
other and my realizing that he only wanted to be heard and seen as some value 
to the family. The wall fell down.

I am enjoying the journey.
  1. Mrs. CJGMusicMay 18, 2012 9:15 PM
  2. Bill,

    I am also enjoying this journey that Ben and Roz are taking us on. They are both
    really insightful and have a good grasp on the issues we face everyday. A few
    chapters earlier I was moved by one of Ben's students who realized that he could
    make the decision to change from being # 68 to being an A. It made me realize
    that as teachers we have the ability to be a light for many students who have only
    known darkness.

WK 3 Comment #1 to Dara Easterling

Friday, May 18, 2012

Week 3 Reading: Art of Possibility Chapters 5-8

enable, engage, equality

From this week's reading, especially in Chapter 5, I gleamed the importance of enabling through the process whether in an orchestra, business, or educational setting.  I am sure most of us have seen those tyrannical bosses that want things one way and don't want any feedback or opinions about what is going on.  But by offering them ways in which to communicate and be involved and be the leader in some cases they gain more from their contributions to the cause.  

Another thing that I can take away from the readings is how they all tie into engagement (collaboration, teamwork, having fun and not being serious, and acceptance.  The stool that I learned about previously was the first thing that came to mind when just looking at the titles to each chapter but as I read through it all tied together and made sense.  Each factor shows that there is a need for the support whether it is done on a personal level, material level (i.e. the white paper), or using technology (a video or blog).

I know that this response seems a little off the beaten track but in terms of making meaning this is how I made meaning out of the reading.

image- engaging in conversation. Retrieved from

Mrs. CJGMusicMay 18, 2012 11:41 PM

  1. Hi Dara,
    I completely see what you're saying about how all the chapters tie together and present one message of how to view life, make it what we want, stop complaining, take charge of your circumstances, don't take yourself too seriously, and have passion for life! It sounds like a great way to go through life. Ben and Roz have really great insights on life.

WK 3 Reading: "The Art of Possibility"

The Art of Possibility so far has been a truly great book. The fifth practice: Lead from Any Chair, has really taught me a new lesson. Being a part of an orchestra is great because every person plays an important part, but the conductor has the most important role of bringing all the parts together to create a musical work of art. Being in the clarinet section playing the second part is equally important and you can be a great leader from that chair if you are able to invent your leadership role. And after you apply rule # 6 you open up yourself to be free to be yourself. I plan to make a sign to place at my desk that says: “Don’t forget about Rule # 6” because I am often guilty of take myself way, way too seriously. J J LL JJ

Reading practices 7 and 8, ‘The Way things Are’ and ‘Give way to Passion’ really made me stop and consider the way I approach problems. Why waste time complaining about the way things are when we should be moving on to using the situation to our advantage? I am asking myself the question of how passionate I am about life and listening to myself for the answers.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Wk 2: Where do I want to share my project

After reviewing many of Dr. Bedard's suggested conferences, I decided that one of the conferences where I would like to share my project is the Virginia Society for Technology in Education.
I chose this conference because I am currently networking with the Alexandria Arts forum to share with other professionals in the creative and performing arts arena in Virginia to share and gain knowledge to promote the arts personally and statewide. This has proven to be very beneficial for me personally and professionally and I feel that getting involved with VSTE will be equally beneficial in the area of technology, especially since I live in Virginia. 

Another conference where I would like to present my project is:

I was very excited when I read about this conference. I would like to present at this conference because it covers a lot of the areas of technology and online learning that my Capstone Project is focused on. I think that I have a lot to offer at this conference as well as I feel that I could gain a lot from other presenters at this conference in online learning.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Wk 2 Comments #2 to Kim Bathker

Week 1 reading post: Art of Possibility chapters 1 to 4

I’m finding the Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander to be filled with tiny gems. The first, which appears both in the text and in the TED presentation given by Benjamin Stone, is the story of the two shoe marketers sent to Africa; one perceives the inhabitants’ lack of shoes as a sign of hopelessness, while the other sees a completely untapped market! I’ve always been a firm believer in the power of attitude, and I was delighted to find this little parable that illustrates the point.

The next gem was the story about Albert Einstein’s conversation with Werner Heisenberg about the nature of a scientific theory. I’ve long been fascinated by science’s transition from one paradigm to the next. One of the most famous transitions was from Newtonian mechanics to Einstein’s treatment of the speed of light as a universal “speed limit.” Then after that came the shift to quantum mechanics—a paradigm shift that Einstein himself vehemently opposed. His observation that the theory “decides what we can observe” is entirely true—in both a scientific sense and in more pedestrian circumstances. For example, before scientists considered that atoms might be made of charged particles, they could not possibly have observed those particles, because they would not have known how to look. No astronomer who truly considered the Earth to be the center of the universe would have thought to construct a telescope, because everything else in the universe was considered to be of lesser importance. In a more everyday sense, we do not see what our minds are not prepared to find. This goes back to my first gem, the story of the two shoe marketers. A marketer with a fundamentally pessimistic outlook will not see the opportunity staring him in the face…even when it comes in the form of millions of bare feet!

Zander, R. S., & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility [Electronic]. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Posted by Kim Bathker at 4:40 PM

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  • Mrs. CJGMusicMay 11, 2012 11:00 PM
    I really enjoyed the story of the shoe marketers as well! This one example, simply put, explains what Ben and Roz are trying to teach in their book. If you can envision it you can step into a world where everything you need for success is already created and is possible if you can think outside the box.
    I can't wait to see what other gems will be found as we read through this great book.

Wk 2 Comment #1 to Mary Wilson

week 2 reading: why you should not procrastinate

i admit that i am a procrastinator, always have been and probably always will be. i think i do better under pressure (or thats what i tell myself so i can continue to procrastinate without feeling bad). but this time it has bitten me in the butt. i actually thought i had already downloaded the ebook for this class last month, but did not bother to look for it until today (the day the reading is due), today was going to be my homework day, i took the day off of school and was ready to work, except when i went to read the book, it wast there, not a problem i will go download it, it will only be a minute. i log on and click the download button and instead of a book i receive this

oh thats not a book! after trying again for several hours i called the customer support. the lady was very nice she said they were having problems with adobe editions and would send me a new link for the book. great! i thought. and then she said should be there within 1-2 business days. ahhhhh! that just does not fit in with my procrastination schedule. there was nothing else she could do, and nothing more for me to do except wait, and rethink all those great reasons for procrastinating...

Posted by mrs. wilson at 3:48 PM 

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  • Mrs. CJGMusicMay 11, 2012 10:29 PM
    Hi Mary, I have also been know to be a procrastinator from time to time. Sometimes I get away with it, and sometimes I've been 'bitten in the butt" as you were.
    Well, I'll share with you a little about the book until you get your copy. I really like the book and It's an easy read. Ben and Roz (co-authors) did and excellent job of drawing you into the possibilities that you can create if you look past what you see to what is already there if you can see it differently.
    Each chapter of this book represents a new practice for bringing possibility to life and shows how to think outside the realm of what we know into a world of what is possible if we move past our limited thinking. Ben is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic orchestra and Roz is a family therapist. “Their purpose is to initiate a new approach to current conditions, based on uncommon assumptions about the nature of the world.” (Zander and Zander 2000).

Wk 2 Reading: "The Art of Possibility"

I’m reading the book ‘The Art of Possibility’ which is co-authored by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander.  So far this is a great read and I find it to be very interesting. The first thing that appealed to me in the book was all the musical metaphors. I soon found that Ben and Roz, (as they call themselves) are married and have two completely different professional backgrounds. Somehow they have brought their knowledge and skills together to create this motivational book that is geared to towards teaching you how to create your own new, unique possibility.

Each chapter of this book represents a new practice for bringing possibility to life and shows how to think outside the realm of what we know into a world of what is possible if we move past our limited thinking. Ben is the conductor of the Boston Philharmonic orchestra and Roz is a family therapist. “Their purpose is to initiate a new approach to current conditions, based on uncommon assumptions about the nature of the world.” (Zander and Zander 2000).

In the first two chapters, ‘It’s All invented’ and ‘Stepping into a Universe of Possibility’, Ben and Roz talk about the fact that everything we need is already invented, we just have to look beyond the obvious to see what else is possible and when we are able to do this, we step into a universe were the possibilities are all around us.

Zander, R. S., & Zander, B. (2000). The art of possibility [Electronic]. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

WK1 Blog Comments to Kimberly Bathker

Demystifying copyright by Kimberly Bathker

Honestly, in most of the teacher technology courses that I myself have taught, I glossed over issues of copyright, simply because I did not know the information. I also considered it to be too large an issue to research on my own. So, I was excited to hear that our first week in MAC would explore copyright. It will be nice to be able to say something about copyright and permissions in my upcoming workshops, other than to argue that all teachers fall under the umbrella defense provided by “Fair Use!”

I enjoyed Good Copy/Bad Copy—although I should have paid closer attention to the warning about disturbing images, and watched from home, rather than at work! The juxtaposition that the filmmakers set up, between Girl Talk the music-mixer who argues that copyright laws “interfere” with his creativity and the MPAA attorney who claims that the entertainment industry loses $6 billion each year to copyright infringement, was compelling. Although I might not always demonstrate this perfectly by the way that I use images and other media in my lectures for students, I am actually a very strong believer that individuals and corporations should be fairly compensated for the work that they do—and the media that they produce. Profit is a powerful motivator, and not inherently a bad one. (What can I say? My parents gave me a copy of Atlas Shrugged when I was in junior high!)

The digital age has brought so many issues of copyright, permissions and usage to the forefront. I think that Lawrence Lessig’s point that, while U.S. copyright laws serve a valuable purpose, they are simply outdated. His licensing platform, Creative Commons, offers a valuable tool for codifying permissions. I’m really looking forward to sharing information about the various types of CC licenses with my colleagues and students.

Posted by KIMBathker at 9:14 AM

My Comments to Kimberly

Kimberly, you seem to have gained great insight into the copyright laws and all the issues associated with it. I also feel that individuals and corporations should be compensated for their work, but the lines of 'original work' are so blurry. Especially with music tracks and rhythmic licks. I feel that the court are quick to side with big music producers because it has a lot to do with the money involved. For copyright laws to survive, they must be updated to account for creativity. Even the creativity to do a remix of a remix of a remixed song.

Wk1 Blog Comments to Dara Easterling

Copyright Issues by Dara Easterling 

Copyright is one of those umbrella issues when you think about it.  By that, I mean that it covers over or is built on the spokes of plagiarism, law, and fair use.  The video that bought this point to light for me is the one called "A Shared Culture" (Creative Commons video).  From the video, I not only got a clearer understanding of the Creative Commons elements but how to identify and properly use the attributes within it.  I noticed that a lot of the things in the video focused on the advent of emerging technologies and the need to enforce copyright even though the Internet or web is supposed to be seen as a 'free frontier.'  As an educator and student, I have used items that are copyright free but know the importance of giving credit to the originator of items that I use from the Internet and to list where necessary, the attribute of an image I have connected to a project or presentation.  I will break down how I see the three terms I have listed as the spokes.  The first spoke is plagiarism, which is the taking of other's work primarily in written format.  Copyright is above this in that you are limited in the work of others that you can take and use for your project or presentation as well as any and all things that are created by someone that is their music, images, etc.  The second spoke is law.  There are more copyright laws out there than those related to plagiarism and re-branding.  They are enforced in educational, business, and social settings.  The other spoke is fair use.  Fair use was said to mean that a small part of a work can be used for (in my case) educational or teaching purposes.  As is relates to copyright, you can fairly use a bit of images or video that are copyrighted as long as it is a necessary piece of the activity for the learner or student and no other options are available.

Quoted video-  Blip.TV video: A Shared Culture produced by, retrieved from on 5/3/2012

My Comments to Dara Easterling

Dara, I also gained a greater understanding of copyright laws and the issues surrounding it. I have use lots of pictures from the internet without considering weather or not they were copyright protected. I assumed anything on the internet was (like picture and video clips) were public domain. Plagiarism, making copies of CD's, and copying written music were the only things I thought you had to look out for, but I have learned a lot from the videos on this subject.