Friday, May 18, 2012

WK 3 Comment #2 to Bill Harris

Week 3 Reading - Tearing Down Walls

In Zanders’ Seventh Chapter of The Art of Possibility both Ben and Roz takes the
reader on a “journey of possibility” by given examples and experiences that shows
 us how we take negative experiences and turn them into “walls” of challenges 
instead of paths toward our journey of possibility. The antidotal quotes and stories 
they use seem common sense, many of which we know. They have a 
way of helping you understand why it is “OK” to view the world from the
“glass half-full” view instead of the opposite of half-empty. The focus of view 
that we should take should be on what is positive about the circumstance. 
In that ay we can focus on what moves us forward and not what holds us back.

I made an emotional connection as well as had an “Ah ha!” moment when reading the 
chapters of this assignment at two points. The first point; I teach teachers technology 
integration and continually hear from some teachers, “I can’t do this stuff”, “I’ll never 
understand this technology”, where am I going to get the time to practice”, or my favorite, 
“I haven’t needed technology in all these years, why do I need it now?” For most of these
 teachers their focus was on the “wall” or the technology. Many could not see the possibility
 in advancing themselves or their students through its use. Zanders’ explanation helps me
 to understand my role as an educational leader to reach them. Teachers often fear 
technology because they are afraid to make a mistake or “break” the computer. Zander
 says it is difficult to maintain an approach to things positively, “…in our competitive culture
 where so much attention is given to mistakes and criticism that the voice of the soul is 
literally interrupted.” This is where my leadership skills come in to make them feel secure 
both in training and when they return to the classroom.

The second point of encounter came from Roz Zander’s discussion of “The Wall”. 
In that section she talks about the “the wall” between a 16 year old boy and his parents. 
She addressed how the more the father talked about the wall that the boy put up the more 
the boy withdrew in the conversation. The only question I had when reading this section 
was how did Roz Zander get in my house without me seeing her? I had a mirror reaction
 to my now 25-year-old son when he was 15-16 years old with the same situation and
 circumstance. The conversations always centered on the wall and not what caused the 
wall or better still what would it take to fix it or tear it down. Discussions were usually
 “downward spirals” that inevitably led to a higher
 and thicker wall or as she puts it, “tend to look more and more helpless.” The 
long story cut short, leads to our finally remembering how much we loved each 
other and my realizing that he only wanted to be heard and seen as some value 
to the family. The wall fell down.

I am enjoying the journey.
  1. Mrs. CJGMusicMay 18, 2012 9:15 PM
  2. Bill,

    I am also enjoying this journey that Ben and Roz are taking us on. They are both
    really insightful and have a good grasp on the issues we face everyday. A few
    chapters earlier I was moved by one of Ben's students who realized that he could
    make the decision to change from being # 68 to being an A. It made me realize
    that as teachers we have the ability to be a light for many students who have only
    known darkness.

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